If you are a member of MDSG, then you are already benefiting from our groups and lectures for free or at a reduced rate and we would like to thank you for your support. If you are not yet a member, see how joining can make the MDSG experience even smoother and more cost-effective.
About the Membership
The Mood Disorders Support Group depends on membership fees and contributions for its operating expenses. Both memberships and contributions are tax-deductible.
A one-year individual membership is $45. A one year family membership is $65 and applies to an unlimited number of family members. Membership entitles you to one year of free support group meetings and reduced fee on lectures ($4 instead of $8). You’ll also receive a reduced price on all books purchased at MDSG groups and lectures.
To attend a meeting you do not need to pre-register or be a member. Simply go to the sign-in https://reviahome.com table and let the volunteers know that it is your first time and they will direct you to the most appropriate group. There is a suggested donation of $5 to attend a meeting, although we turn no one away for inability to pay.
How to Join
You can become a member either in person or by mail. Someone is always available, in person, at all discussion meetings and lectures to sign up new members. To join by mail, send a check and a note (no official form needed) to the address below and we will mail your membership card(s). Please print your name and address clearly. If a family membership, please give all names to be included in the membership. Send request and check to: The Mood Disorders Support Group, P.O. Box 2359 New York, NY 10163
Dbsa Boston’s Membership
DBSA-Boston is an independent, self-sustaining organization that relies primarily upon membership dues to support its activities, which include our Share/Care support groups, Activity Circles, Speaker Series, and many group events. Membership dues finance various activities and DBSA-Boston operations, which include the cost of our Zoom virtual rooms.
If you are able and want to support our mission to provide support groups and activities for our community, please consider becoming a member today!
Membership Length
- Paid Membership covers one full year (beginning the day on which you sign up and ending one year from that day). This excludes the Lifetime membership level.
- DBSA Boston members in good standing are entitled to the following perks:
- Incredible discounts on Facilitator Training and DBSA Boston events.
- Opportunities to give back to the community by serving as a group facilitator (after 6 months of membership and support group attendance) and by running for positions on the Board of Directors (after 1 year of membership).
- Voting privileges in our annual DBSA Boston leadership election and other special voting opportunities (e.g. voting for bylaw changes).
- We are looking into virtual perks for 2021. Stay tuned!
Membership Fee Schedule*
Level | Price |
Student | $15 |
Individual | $35 |
Family | $50 |
Lifetime | $300 |
*There are 3 ways to obtain a DBSA Boston Membership
Payment Options
- Pay online via Credit Card/ PayPal – Click the following link to pay by Credit Card PayPal payment
- By mail – Download a copy of the Membership Agreement Form and mail check or cash with the filled in and signed copy to:
DBSA Boston
Attn: Membership
P.O. Box 102
Belmont MA 02478