If you are a member of MDSG, then you are already benefiting from our groups and lectures for free or at a reduced rate and we would like to thank you for your support. If you are not yet a member, see how joining can make the MDSG experience even smoother and more cost-effective.
About the Membership
The Mood Disorders Support Group depends on membership fees and contributions for its operating expenses. Both memberships and contributions are tax-deductible.
A one-year individual membership is $45. A one year family membership is $65 and applies to an unlimited number of family members. Membership entitles you to one year of free support group meetings and reduced fee on lectures ($4 instead of $8). You’ll also receive a reduced price on all books purchased at MDSG groups and lectures.
To attend a meeting you do not need to pre-register or be a member. Simply go to the sign-in https://reviahome.com table and let the volunteers know that it is your first time and they will direct you to the most appropriate group. There is a suggested donation of $5 to attend a meeting, although we turn no one away for inability to pay.
How to Join
You can become a member either in person or by mail. Someone is always available, in person, at all discussion meetings and lectures to sign up new members. To join by mail, send a check and a note (no official form needed) to the address below and we will mail your membership card(s). Please print your name and address clearly. If a family membership, please give all names to be included in the membership. Send request and check to: The Mood Disorders Support Group, P.O. Box 30377, New York, NY 10011